A Day at High Lodge -Thetford Forest Park

We love Forestry Commission sites as they are such an inexpensive and easy day out, so when we found ourselves passing by Thetford Forest Park I knew we had to visit, especially as my 5 year old was desperate to try GoApe. She was so brave and really tried, but only managed half the course as her little legs weren’t quite long enough. My 6 year old however sped round and absolutely LOVED it, especially the zip wire at the end.

Thetford Forest Park  also has great bike trails, walking trails and amazing play equipment for kids of all ages, as well as a lovely cafe for when you need a break.

For us the best thing about Forestry Commission sites are that it’s such a fun, easy way to get the kids active and outdoors. The climbing frames and play equipment are usually positioned along a walk so the children get a lot of exercise without really realising, and its always such an easy, stress free day for the grown ups too.


We absolutely loved Thetford Forest Park and REALLY wish we lived nearer. The kids adored the zip wire and huge slides and I thought the musical instruments hidden in the forest were just magical. We could’ve spent days there.

Thetford Forest

If you’re ever passing by Farnham way, we’d also recommend Alice Holt, it’s my all time favourite local place to take my children.

I am a Forestry Commission Blogger, but paid for this trip myself.

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